Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

DAY 5? / JAN 26

DAY 5? / JAN26

            I managed to force myself out of bed a bit earlier today and was rewarded with a nice hot long shower.   This is bad – even though it seems good.  Now, I know that if I get up earlier, I might get some hot water.  I don't really want to get up earlier, but now its getting harder not to get up earlier.

            It rained a bunch last night and of course I went back to the CHU late – it was very dark.   I had choice but to walk through the water to get back to the CHU, but given that it was pitch black, I also didn't get to choose how deep the water was where I walked.  I actually managed to get to bed without being too wet.

            This morning was a bit different however.  In the light I was able to see exactly how deep I THOUGHT the water was (even though it really didn't have any grounding in reality as to how ACTUALLY deep it was).   I got more wet watching where I was going than I did when I couldn't see.  Maybe I'll close my eyes when I go out later.

            The artillery fired again last night and is firing again this morning.   They have been very active over the last few days.  Yesterday they fired about 10-15 rounds that I could count and today I've heard almost 7 already and its only 8:15am.   I wonder if they have targets or are just firing to hear our heads rattle.  I'm sure that they are firing for a mission, I'm just curious as to what they're trying to hit.   But, in the end, if their shooting keep the mortars from falling – by all means, fire away.

            Feeling very tired today.  Managed to finish the beginning of the property database I am creating for the company.   I inputted over 1000 pieces of equipment with serial numbers, lins, and all sorts of other good stuff.  It should make the rest of the years worth of inventories much easier – I hope.

            Got to bed early, with a headache.  Internet went down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope you are feeling better and things dry out a little... not sure how dry I want it to get because I have heard that the rebels are a little quieter with the rain.

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