Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

DAY 74 / FEB 11

Day 74 / FEB 11

Another day done and gone and what little do I have to show for it? An unshaven face, droopy eyelids and confirmation that you actually CAN break a glass with just your voice. How did these fantastic revelations come about you might ask? Well, let's start at the beginning.

I went to bed last night fully intending on getting up at 0630 to go for a run before taking a shower at 0730 and then going to my meeting at 0830. The meeting was somewhat unusual in that I was supposed to be briefing the LTC on what we (as a company) needed to report to him regarding our network for the the "Commander's Update." How in the hell that in any way relates to my job, I don't know. But since BN has seen fit to hold maintenance meetings with the Commanders, I guess its only fair that I do the Commanders Update. Anyhow, back to the day. My alarm went off as it should. I promptly turned it off (fully intending of course to get up soon and go for a run). I also realized that it was possible that I might NOT actually get up for the run, but instead sleep until 0730 and then take a shower. To accommodate this contingency, I set a second alarm, on my watch (backup systems are very necessary with me). So, shortly after I turned the first alarm off at 0630, I waited patiently in a half snooze for the second alarm went off. When it seemed like it might be about time for it to go off, I decided to check how long I had left to snooze. Imagine my surprise when I noticed that it was not 0635, or even 0730, but it was actually 0815 – bad news for my "shower and meeting" plan. Quickly assessing that I was running a teensy bit late for my important (to someone) meeting, I jumped out of bed and threw my uniform on and raced out the door. I did manage to pour myself one quick cup of coffee before jumping in my truck and speeding (at the FOB authorized maximum) of 5mph to the BN HQ where I slipped in just before the clock struck 0830. Go me. I hate not taking a shower in the morning, I never fully wake up – for instance, even now, I'm very tired (but it is 1230 at night).

I received some very exciting news from my wife this morning (and if you feel you really must know, and think you could be close enough to find out – just ask someone who you think might know what it is). It involved an old story with a jail, a fence, and an escapee at its core. But that's all I'm going to say about that. Needless to say, it was and IS very exciting news and it's very good news. As it turns out, escaping from jail is a Class B felony and carries a possible 10 year sentence – plus the original sentence that whoever was going to jail for anyway. So, all day, I scoured the news channels and papers searching for more information. I didn't get much, but I set up google alerts and I hope something will come in tonight.

Now, I am simply passing the time, as I have been for the last few hours. But they have been productive hours (except for that one hour where I played an older video game while eating sourpatch kids in a very hot room and nearly threw up – I don't know which factors were intermingling to cause the ickiness, but I've eliminated all of them for the time being; I'm sure it wasn't the sourpatch because I managed to finish off the bad successfully). I learned that pennies in your engine won't break it, that sugar won't stall your engine, that bleach is bad for the fuel tank (and worse for the engine when put in the oil), that drain cleaner does nothing to engines, that a fire helicopter CANNOT pick up scuba divers, that vacuums CANNOT turn into self-igniting jet engines, that there really are some smells you just can't get out of a car, and that you cannot blow up a car by shooting the gas tank (except with tracers and some very lucky shots). Also that you CAN shatter a lead-crystal glass with just the right pitch and tone and power in a voice. All in all, a very productive evening. Oh, and I also learned that if you have a leak in a radiator coming home from the grocery store, you can use a raw egg to make a temporary seal. All of the above are true, proven realities. Also, a rolling stone DOES NOT gather (as in grow) moss – but it may have a piece or two stick to it occasionally. What else could I hope to learn in one or two hours?

So, what about you? Any burning questions? How hot is it here? (Highs in the 50s or 60s today). How cold does it get at night? (40s ish). Is it very dry? (not really, and I'm glad I don't have to swim to work anymore). Was that other person right about the book I am reading? (Yes, it is "Deception Point" by Dan Brown – which, BTW **I** have a question about – does the poor guy in the beginning who gets thrown out of the helicopter with his dogs ever come into play?) Is my desk a mess? (yes. – I think its an inherited trait). Why are there kissing frogs on my desk? (Hey! How did you know about the kissing frogs?!)

If I missed any, ask and I'll answer – but maybe not truthfully, or correctly. With OPSEC being what it is, I don't even know if what I know is true anymore and if I did, I couldn't talk about it anyway. I always thought that maybe a little counter-intelligence or false intelligence would be helpful, but they aren't very keen on that either. But, like I said, ask away…

Now, it's 12:41 am, and I've rambled long enough. For now.

Hey look at that, we're about 3/4 of the way to 100 days! Whoo hoo!


Anonymous said...

Hey dumbshit... do you realize that you are fucking up the DAY...??? for the last week you have been saying that it is Jan... instead of February...

Thought that you would want to know...

Just curious to know who all these bitches are that are reading your blogger?

"aaaw the beauty of snow in the winter... BLAH FUCKIN BLAH"

Anonymous said...

RE: Deception Point

Yes, the guy who gets thrown out of the helicopter with his dogs is brought up again later - and the reason for his (and his dogs) death is explained then.

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