Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Lose-lose for the American People

This election is a lose-lose for the American people. Obama is a great orator and is very personable, but his beliefs on many issues conflict too deeply with my beliefs to get my vote with a clear conscience. Here's a few and why I think they matter:

1. Supports Roe V. Wade - its not that I'm against a woman's right to choose, I'm just against the woman's right to kill another person for selfish reasons. A woman's right to choose comes before conception - after that, its out of her hands.
2. Supports Embryonic Stem Cells - Embryonic Stem cells come from unborn children. There are now many other ways to get useful stem cells (cord blood for starters) that we needn't be killing babies (no matter how young or small).
3. Opposes ANWR Drilling - at $4/ gallon, we need to start using our own resources and reduce dependence on foreign oil. Yes, we need alternative energy, but until that new and improved source of fuel is found, why not use our own oil that we are trying so hard to make worthless?
4. Supports Assault Weapon Ban - the 2nd Amendment was designed to provide the people, the citizens, a guarantee of means to resist an oppressive political government military takeover. The only way to do that is to have comparable firepower. The assault weapons ban would only be the first ban - bans on other weapons would soon follow.
5. Supports the Patriot Act - the Patriot Act is the greatest affront to civil liberties in the US since the internment camps in WWII.
6. Opposes same-sex marriage - shouldn't they have they same rights as everyone else?
7. Supports universal health care - we don't need to be going down the socialist path.

Ok, in all fairness, here's where I don't like McCain:
1. Supports Embryonic Stem Cell research - same as above.
2. Opposes ANWR drilling.
3. Supports the Patriot Act - which should automatically disqualify anyone from holding any government position because its completely anti-liberty.
4. Doesn't support net neutrality - I guess freedom is only something we should dream about, not actually have.
5. Is more anti-gay than Obama.

So, who WILL I vote for?? Ron Paul - I'll write him in. Some will say its a wasted vote, but I think its more of a waste to support someone I don't believe in than to at least have my one vote be honest, if fruitless. Maybe next election, someone will realize that the little guy has a chance if the people speak with their votes.

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