Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Controversial(?) Survey

I received this as a MySpace bulletin. I don't really do the "bulletin" thing, but these questions do deserve answering and even debating if necessary. So, a bulletin is not the forum for them - but a blog is!

1. Would you do meth if it was legalized?
No. Meth is toxic and will kill you. Life is short enough, why try to shorten it?

2. Abortion: for or against?
Against. Once a baby is conceived it IS a baby and should be protected with the same rights and laws that protect everyone else. That includes protecting it from its mother. If killing people because they make life inconvenient were legal, there would be a lot of dead people.

3. Would our country fall with a woman president?
No. There is no reason a woman can't do the job as well as a man. There have been numerous female world leaders who have done phenomenal jobs.

4. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Some people have rejected the laws and rules of society and, as such, have forfeited their right to live within it. The death penalty should be reserved for murder, rape and other heinous crimes.

5. Should marijuana be legalized?
Yes, it should. It is less harmful than alcohol and less addictive than cigarettes. The government could make a substantial amount in taxes if it were legalized.

6. Do you believe in God?
What god? Any god? Some higher power of some sort? Not really. I don't think that humans are at the top of the evolutionary ladder, but I don't believe in any of the religions of the world either. We don't know much much more than we DO know. And for any person or group to think they have a lock on truth - or reality - makes them more delusional than those who continue searching for the truth of reality.

7. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Yes, it should be legalized, it was illogical to make it illegal in the first place. People are people - regardless of race or sex. Does it matter who you love?

8. Do you think its wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
Hispanics are welcome to move to the USA if they wish. It is the illegal part of many movements that I disagree with. The immigration policies should be changed to make it easier for those who want to work here to do so. We need the manual labor they are willing to provide and they need the money we are willing to pay. Its a win-win situation, we just need to ensure that the immigrants are here to work and not do us harm.

9. A 12 year old girl has a baby..should she keep it?
That is a decision to be made by her and her family. If she and they reasonable believe that they are capable of raising the child, there is no reason for them not to. They must consider the ramifications of their decision ahead of time, but it is still their decision.

10. Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
I think it should be lowered. The drinking age is largely unrelated to the age that most people start drinking. Lowering the drinking age would de-mystify alcohol to some extent. Countries that have lower drinking ages have a greater level of alcohol responsibility and fewer incidences of children being stupid with alcohol.

11. Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Once the area is secure and relatively stable and the Iraqi Security Forces are capable of defending their own soil, we will have completed the job and should leave. Until then, it is our problem to solve. We can't run around and do a half-assed job of killing terrorists - we have to complete the job.

11. Assisted suicide is you agree?
People should have a humane method of ending their lives if they so choose. After counseling and an evaluation, the person should be allowed to choose how they live their life - or end it.

12. Do you believe in spanking children?
Yes, corporal punishment is required for teaching discipline to children. When it progresses further than discipline into angry abuse, it is no longer authorized.

13. Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Yes. The flag is symbol of the country, not the country itself. I can do more good with a million dollars than I can with one flag. Hell, if I got a million dollars to burn a flag, I'd buy ten more. AND, I'd even burn a flag for FREE! Flags that have outlived their useful life and are raggedy and torn and supposed to be burned as the proper method of disposal.

14. A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, Do you agree?
She is not innocent. Clearly insane, but not innocent.

15. Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
I have no reason to fear the judgment of others. Most people who would judge are Christians and so, by judging, they invalidate their own beliefs. Win-win!

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