Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Yes, yes, I failed to write yesterday. I am a slug. Actually, I AM a slug as I haven’t done anything worthy to be called PT in months, many many months. I always plan to, but when the time comes, my slug-nature takes over and moosh, I remain a slug. I think tomorrow, I’d like to go for an early morning bike ride and take Amber along so she care learn how to get to her school for next year. And so we can see how long its going to take her to get there.

Yesterday was a good, busy day. We went shopping (Costco, Wal-Mart and Barnes and Nobel) for the weekly necessities. We also made a pit stop to the Jeep Dealership to pick up a Lifetime Warranty. Now, we don’t have to worry about it breaking down, ever. Peace of mind.

Now, I sit here in my jammies, watching TV. Very slug-like.

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