Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

A Brief Discourse on Iraq

There has been a significant amount of debate over whether or not we, as a country, should be in Iraq, doing what we are doing. Some argue that we originally went there because of weapons of mass destruction - which was one of the myriad of reasons. So we haven't found any WMD - yet. I think it is still there, buried in the desert, or quite possibly hidden in Syria or Iran. So, the new question is, "Should we stay in Iraq?" I think the obvious answer is, "Yes."

Now we get to "why?" As a Soldier, I will go to Iraq because I am ordered to. It is my job, and it just so happens that I agree that we need to be in Iraq.

First, we have put ourselves in a position where we cannot and should not leave Iraq until the country and its elected government can defend itself against the insurgency. If we pull our troops out of Iraq, we all but guarantee that the insurgents will take over and resume a reign of violence in Iraq - which we cannot, in good conscious, let happen.

Second, once Iraq is formed and strong enough to defend itself, it stands a chance at becoming a viable, self-sufficient, free nation - which are in short supply in the middle east. A free Iraq means the chance for other nations in the area to see first hand what a free country can do and become. The history of Iraq has been one of bloodshed and violence from the dawn of time. Apparently what they've been doing hasn't worked, so what's wrong with giving something else a shot?

Third, if Iraq does become an independent, albeit friendly to the U.S., nation, it could be used as a military stepping stone should other nations in the area seek to become free through violent means.

Fourth, contrary to popular belief and news media coverage, things are not all bad in Iraq. The majority of the Iraqi people support the US and coalition forces there and do not want us to leave until the ISF (Iraqi Security Forces) are well established. The people of Iraq deserve a chance at freedom, and we are in a position to assist in that goal. The people are voting, they are speaking out and becoming free.

Fifth, the insurgents have figured out that we are "hard targets." We drive around armed to the teeth in armored vehicles and are not afraid of their bombs, guns or rockets. They have noticeably shifted their efforts from attacking our Soliders to attacking the civilians who want to be free and the men who want to join the ISF to protect their country. These soft civilians make ideal targets for the smaller weapons and tactics used by the insurgents. By killing civilians, the insurgents hope to sway public opinion in Iraq against the coalition forces by showing them to be ineffective and unable to protect the population. The US has declared its resolve and will not back down and will not quit. Before we leave, Iraq will be free and capable of its own defense.


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