Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Another of those...

Ever had one of those days? Who hasn't, right? Well, today was another one of those days in another of those weeks, in one of those months, and it all started with a crazy dream before I woke up.

Long story short, had a dream where I couldn't answer the phone, it kept buzzing and buzzing (on vibrate) and no matter what I pressed - send, end, and OFF - it just kept on buzzing. Then I woke up and found that my phone was indeed buzzing, because it was also my alarm clock. Good thing its persistent. But in the dream, it was frustrating.

So, I hopped out of bed and went to do some nice early morning PT with my unit. Instead of regular, boring PT, we took the platoon and played some Ultimate Football - after ditching the Commander and First Sergeant.

Well, wouldn't you know it, someone had to go and get hurt. It was dark when we started, so we didn't see the 8 inch deep hole until someone sprinted into it, trying to catch the ball. We took him to the hospital, but I'm not sure of the outcome yet. I know they carried him into the NBC chamber, but I don't know if its broke or just sprained.

More to come...

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