Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Its a Wonderful Wife!

She is perfect for me! She takes care of all my needs and wants and goes along with my craziest obsessions. Everything I'm no good at, she is. Someday, I hope to be able to take care of her as well as she takes care of me. But, for now, I do what I can, when I can. It's feeble, but hey, I try!

Reading Time – CHECK – Reading "The Ruins"
100 Push Ups – CHECK
100 Sit ups – CHECK
50 Pull ups – CHECK
2 mile bike ride – CHECK
33% of my school work – CHECK
Blog – CHECK x2

Today, she made some weed killer with ammonia and some other stuff. I sprayed it around the garden and on the obnoxious plants in the area. Our garden is beginning to sprout. We have cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, beans, corn, and pumpkins all getting ready to pop out! The lilac bushes out front are doing great, look pretty and smell wonderful. It rained today after we were done outside and everything is soaking up the moisture nicely. She also made some fantastic mint brownies and we had some brownie sundaes while we watched the season finale of Lost. We also managed to brush Stormy out a bit. I swear we pulled more fur off her than she actually weighs. She defies the physics Law of Conservation of Mass. I could take enough fur off of her to make coats for all the starving kids in Africa. They'd still be starving, but they wouldn't be cold!

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