Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First day of school

         So my youngest daughter started school the other day.  She was soooo excited!  I wish I could have been there but Ive been able to live vicariously through all of the pictures and all the play-by-play my wife sent.  I sorta was there because I was on the phone with my wife at the time and it was very exciting!  And somewhat scary  I mean, its my last kid to get into school shes not a baby any more.  Shes not a toddler shes actually in school!  Ok, so, its pre-school, but she still goes somewhere during the day and learns stuff from someone else shes not just OURS anymore.
             She was very very excited about school and has been since she first realized that her sisters were going somewhere all day and then coming back later.  She realized that she was missing something and was jealous of them. 
             When we first took her to daycare, I thought she would be scared and afraid to stay without a parent, but I was wrong.  She took off after a few moments, said, Im going to color! and that was it she was gone.  Not a look back, maybe just a wave goodbye.  That was her start in school and shes been hooked on it since.  I suppose thats good             So, I got to hear her first day to school.  She was very excited and didnt want to talk very much but who can blame her!  She was off to her first day of school!  It hurts that I couldnt be there, but Im glad that I did talk to her while she was getting ready to go.  That helped me to feel like a part of it, even just a small part.
               I thought maybe the excitement would wear off after a few days, but it doesnt seem to have abated much, she is still excited to go and cant wait to get out the door.  So far, her only real complaint is that she doesnt get to ride the bus with her sisters.
               I cant wait to get home and see it for myself.  Below are some pictures of her first day to school:
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Talking on the phone with Daddy before going to school.

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This picture reminds me of Dora the Explorer for some reason yeah, little blurry but I love it.

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Just cant get the first-day-of-school smile off her face!

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After a long day, she crashes on the couch for a few hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your youngest! Boy, that does bring back memories for me! My 4 are grown up and moved out. Thought it would be great,wrong! It was sad for me. Time flies by.....too fast. The next thing you know they are graduating from high school. But my most favorite part is all the memories in between! And the stuff you find out when the get older! Too funny....I can remember doing the same thing to my parents! It's good for a laugh....memories!

Take care...........Sue

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