Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bad - in a good way.

So me and my beautiful wife were talking today about the upcoming election and how neither candidate is good for the country. She expressed the opinion that Obama may actually be good for the country in a bad way - which took my by surprise, but her reasoning makes sense and here I've tried to articulate her epiphany with my words:

I don't support Obama, but I support McCain even less. However, it has recently been made clear to me that Obama coming into office may in fact be the best thing for the country as whole - in the long run. I expect that Obama, with a heavy democratic Congress, will pave the way for a very liberal United States.

The US is set up to run slowly - not efficiently. The power is divided between three groups - the Congress, the President, and the Judiciary. Before anything can get done, every group has its own input and any of the groups can completely shut down the process - or at least slow it down quite a bit. This, coupled with the inherent turn-over rate in Congress and the Executive, keeps the country from becoming TOO MUCH anything. It keeps the conservatives from establishing a federal religion and it keeps the liberals from turning us into a socialist/communist state. For the last 200+ years, its worked, more or less splendidly. Now, the Democrats have the perfect opportunity to change all that!

The Republicans have done way too much to this country to stay in power. The Patriot Act, gas prices, national debt, and the economy are all death blows that will, almost without a doubt, sink their ship in this election. Now, the fact that Congress is already controlled by the Dems and that they are already planning to quickly use the Executive to move massive liberal programs into existence after January 20th, the country is in for radical changes in the next four years. 95% of the changes will be bad.

Which is great! Why? Because the American people, lazy little sheep that they are, have been fat and happy for far too long. They aren't paying attention to the election and they aren't paying attention to who is in power and what they are going to do to us. We should expect socialized healthcare, firearm bans, and numerous other programs designed to take from the rich and give to the poor - wealth redistribution (which leads quickly to socialism and communism). Gas prices will go up, liberty will go down, taxes will go up, and services will be degraded. And eventually, the country will feel the pain. Good.

The Republicans have already lost so much of the good will of the public that they are hemorrhaging uncontrollably and will (hopefully) not be able to recover. When the country gets stung by liberalism at its finest (Democratic President and Congress), it too will fall out of favor - leaving a political void that could be filled by a new party. Hopefully, that new party will redevote itself to the words of the Constitution and the founding ideal of the Fathers of this country - Liberty. Freedom to speak as we wish, freedom to believe in what we want or to not believe in anything at all, freedom to be free FROM religion - especially in any and all government agencies or government funded programs - and the freedom to be comfortable that "big brother" isn't listening or watching our every move.

Hopefully, the country can recover from the historical two-party system without bloodshed - and maybe, in an ironic way, Obama and the democrats could be the catalyst for that recovery - not through their liberalism, but through the cataclysmic failure of it.

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