Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Adventures in Vacationing (The Bottom Line)

For the past week-ish, we've been on vacation. We started by going to Spokane to visit family and get ready for the gruelling days to come. Five days in a Jeep with five kids is bound to be stressful. Add onto that all the "fun" we planned and the stress levels are elevated.

Our plan was to drive to SeaTac and stay in an Econolodge that we reserved online - we got a great deal ($89 for two nights!) so we made sure it was centrally located between Seattle and Tacoma - our primary destinations.

The day after Spokane was to be a drive day. Once we arrived in western Washington, we would get our hotel and maybe do some Geocaching.

The second day was our Seattle day. Our primary mission was to take the kids to the Pacific Science Center and the Space Needle. After that we wanted to hit the wharf and the Pike Street Market.

Day Three was geared towards checking out all the animals at Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma and then spend the evening (until sunset) at Ocean Shores, playing in the Pacific. Then, it was back to the hotel.

Day Four was a travel/attraction day. We wanted to hit Mt. St. Helens in the mid-morning, early afternoon and then get to Multnomah Falls, Oregon before nightfall so we could enjoy it in the light. We would then drive until we got tired and sleep at a rest stop.

Day Five was the wrap-up. We would head back to Spokane, visit some people we missed the first time through and then head home.

It was ambitious, but possible.

Bottom line: All fun things were accomplished and all family members are still alive - mission successful.

Pictures and details to follow... stay tuned!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Controversial(?) Survey

I received this as a MySpace bulletin. I don't really do the "bulletin" thing, but these questions do deserve answering and even debating if necessary. So, a bulletin is not the forum for them - but a blog is!

1. Would you do meth if it was legalized?
No. Meth is toxic and will kill you. Life is short enough, why try to shorten it?

2. Abortion: for or against?
Against. Once a baby is conceived it IS a baby and should be protected with the same rights and laws that protect everyone else. That includes protecting it from its mother. If killing people because they make life inconvenient were legal, there would be a lot of dead people.

3. Would our country fall with a woman president?
No. There is no reason a woman can't do the job as well as a man. There have been numerous female world leaders who have done phenomenal jobs.

4. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Some people have rejected the laws and rules of society and, as such, have forfeited their right to live within it. The death penalty should be reserved for murder, rape and other heinous crimes.

5. Should marijuana be legalized?
Yes, it should. It is less harmful than alcohol and less addictive than cigarettes. The government could make a substantial amount in taxes if it were legalized.

6. Do you believe in God?
What god? Any god? Some higher power of some sort? Not really. I don't think that humans are at the top of the evolutionary ladder, but I don't believe in any of the religions of the world either. We don't know much much more than we DO know. And for any person or group to think they have a lock on truth - or reality - makes them more delusional than those who continue searching for the truth of reality.

7. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Yes, it should be legalized, it was illogical to make it illegal in the first place. People are people - regardless of race or sex. Does it matter who you love?

8. Do you think its wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
Hispanics are welcome to move to the USA if they wish. It is the illegal part of many movements that I disagree with. The immigration policies should be changed to make it easier for those who want to work here to do so. We need the manual labor they are willing to provide and they need the money we are willing to pay. Its a win-win situation, we just need to ensure that the immigrants are here to work and not do us harm.

9. A 12 year old girl has a baby..should she keep it?
That is a decision to be made by her and her family. If she and they reasonable believe that they are capable of raising the child, there is no reason for them not to. They must consider the ramifications of their decision ahead of time, but it is still their decision.

10. Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
I think it should be lowered. The drinking age is largely unrelated to the age that most people start drinking. Lowering the drinking age would de-mystify alcohol to some extent. Countries that have lower drinking ages have a greater level of alcohol responsibility and fewer incidences of children being stupid with alcohol.

11. Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Once the area is secure and relatively stable and the Iraqi Security Forces are capable of defending their own soil, we will have completed the job and should leave. Until then, it is our problem to solve. We can't run around and do a half-assed job of killing terrorists - we have to complete the job.

11. Assisted suicide is you agree?
People should have a humane method of ending their lives if they so choose. After counseling and an evaluation, the person should be allowed to choose how they live their life - or end it.

12. Do you believe in spanking children?
Yes, corporal punishment is required for teaching discipline to children. When it progresses further than discipline into angry abuse, it is no longer authorized.

13. Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Yes. The flag is symbol of the country, not the country itself. I can do more good with a million dollars than I can with one flag. Hell, if I got a million dollars to burn a flag, I'd buy ten more. AND, I'd even burn a flag for FREE! Flags that have outlived their useful life and are raggedy and torn and supposed to be burned as the proper method of disposal.

14. A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, Do you agree?
She is not innocent. Clearly insane, but not innocent.

15. Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
I have no reason to fear the judgment of others. Most people who would judge are Christians and so, by judging, they invalidate their own beliefs. Win-win!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is paramount to the liberty of the nation. Without liberty, the nation is nothing but another failed dictatorship. Freedom of speech means the freedom to oppose illegal and immoral actions of the government without fear of reprisal by that government. If the First Amendment was ever to be compromised and people were to live in fear of their government, the fate of the nation would be doomed.

The First Amendment prohibits the Congress, the lawmakers, from allowing the nation to fall victim to any religion. Many of the Founders abhorred religious trappings and understood that a nation founded on a religion has no foundation at all. They also recognized the right of the people to practice any religion (or none at all) they desired, without repercussion from the government.

Because of the First Amendment, people are free to speak their mind, express their views and do so without worrying about being stopped by government agents. People are free to publish their complaints and grievances and not be hunted down by the government for it. There are limits to those freedoms – they can't threaten the President with physical harm, for example. But, within reason, people are free to speak as they deem fit. People can gather together (assemble) and protest against the Government peacefully – and the Government is required to not only allow it, but to protect it.

No one has a lock on the First Amendment. No religion is better than any other, and no opinion has a greater right to be said than any other. It's the First Amendment that protects the right of the Christian to wear the cross, the Jew to wear the Star of David, the Pagan to wear a Pentacle, and any other people to wear their religious symbols. The First Amendment protects the right of the people to wear shirts that others may find offensive – a picture of Mohammed with a bomb, a profanity laced "Fuck You You Fucking Fuck" shirt from Mardis Gras, all the shirts on "T-shirt Hell" (which, if you haven't seen them, they are funny as hell). Everyone has the same right to offend everyone else. Christians wearing crosses are no better, and have more rights, than Pagans wearing Pentacles.

Does everyone have to like the opinion or offensive shirt someone is wearing? No. Is there anything they can do about it if they are offended? Not in a public place where everyone is equally free. But, if someone goes into Wal-Mart with a shirt offensive to Wal-Mart, the store has the option of exercising its right not to allow that person to shop at their store with their offensive shirt. Every business has the right to refuse service to anyone. That is their right. At that point, the offensive shirt wearer (and for visualization purposes, lets say this offensive shirt is obscenely anti-religion – Mohammed with a cross up his ass and Jesus [on that same cross] hiding a stick of dynamite in Mohammed's turban; there's a little guy with a huge nose throwing Kosher salt on the holes in Jesus' feet; at the bottom of the shirt it says, "Jesus and Mohammed, sitting in a tree…" with little music notes around it.) could be asked by Wal-Mart to take off or cover up the shirt or leave the store. If the shirt-wearer wants to shop at Wal-Mart, he/she would cover up the shirt. If the shirt-wearer felt like flexing his/her right to wear the shirt, he/she could choose to leave and no patronize Wal-Mart.

So, that's the first, and most important, Amendment. As long as the government respects that Amendment, there is hope left for the nation. So, we move on to WHY the government must respect the First Amendment – the answer to that is the Second Amendment.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The Founding Fathers knew that a government must allow the people it governs to be the ultimate deciders of their futures. Not the government. The purpose of the Federal Government is not to control the people, but to protect them against those that would restrict and reduce their rights – and ultimately enslave them. The primary offender against the Constitution is, ironically, the Government whose primary purpose is to uphold it. Bit by bit and piece by piece the government wants to take away the rights and liberties of the people in the interest of "security" – and we all know what Franklin said about security and liberty. This is where the Second Amendment comes into play.

"On every question of construction [of the Constitution] let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed." Thomas Jefferson

The people are empowered to resist and thwart the attempts of the government to enslave them by force if necessary. The Second Amendment gives the people (the "individual" [See the recent SCOTUS Heller ruling]) the right to keep (to have) AND to bear (to CARRY) arms (weapons). Keeping and Bearing arms meant more to the Founders than we give them credit for. Some argue that arms should simply by used for target shooting or hunting. But, the Founding Fathers said nothing about sport shooting OR hunting. The purpose of the Second Amendment was to provide the people with the means to resist and overthrow a corrupt government. When the Second Amendment was written, there was no question as to what was protected by it. It protected the rights of the people to have and carry the weapons of their choosing – it was not restricted by capacity or capability. If the purpose of the Amendment was to give the people the means to resist a standing army, they had better have weapons comparable to that army. This is why restricting weapon types (such as no machine guns) is probably going against what the founders had in mind. For the moment, assault weapons are no longer banned and you can go buy an AR-15 if you want (and probably should if you ever want one). Once the democrats take control of the Executive Office, I suspect assault weapons will once again be banned. Do I think that the people should have nuclear weapons in silos in their back yards? No, I don't. Those are weapons of mass destruction, not suitable to even a militia. But, I digress.

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined." Patrick Henry

The secondary purpose of the Second Amendment is to provide the people the means to resist others who would do them or their family and friends harm. Like it or not, there ARE bad guys out there who wouldn't think twice before killing or robbing you or your family. In fact, there are bad guys out there – in every single town and city – who are actively hunting for their next victim. Be it robbery, murder or rape, someone will be attacked today. No one thinks it will be them, but it could be. The statistics regarding violent crime (particularly against women) are staggering. Approximately 1 in 8 women will be the victims of forcible rape at some point in their lives – so, think of eight females you know and the odds are that one will be raped at some point. Scary. For me, I have four daughters and a wife (for a total of five females) – and I will take every precaution to keep them out of those numbers. Again, I digress.

Hunter or Hunted? Wolf or Sheep?

Throughout the world, crossing every species of life on the planet, there are Hunters and there are the hunted. Predators and Prey. In the dark of night, prey looks for a place to hide and sleep through the night, while the predator looks for to hunt and kill. Lions and gazelles, owls and mice, fish and smaller fish, flogs and flies – from big to small, life consists of hunters and the hunted. Homosapiens have "evolved" (somewhat) beyond the simple hunter/hunted mentality – but not very far. Homosapiens still have the hunter/hunted mentality, but we suppress it and pretend that everyone is equal. Wolves are predators, sheep are prey. In the wild, wolves hunt, kill, and eat. In society, they are no different.

Society's wolves are the bad guys, they break into houses and steal your stuff, they rob you on the street, they mug the pizza delivery guy, they beat their spouses and children, they go into malls and kill random people, and they do bad things to other people – open a newspaper and you will find stories about the wolves. Wolves hunt sheep, who are the average citizen who goes about their day like everyone else. They go to work, they get groceries, they walk in the park, they go to baseball games, they get their mail – all the usual things everyone does. A wolf sneaks up on an unsuspecting sheep, kills it, eats it, and the sheep nearby run away scared for awhile, then they forget about the wolf again and go about their business. What keep the wolves for massacring and eating all the sheep? The sheep-dogs. They are those people who have taken an active interest in protecting the sheep because they choose to ignore the wolf threat and go about their business. Within the borders of the US, the sheep-dogs are mostly police officers; outside the US, the sheepdogs are the military members keeping the foreign wolves at bay.

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it." Thomas Paine

However, there is no reason the sheep HAVE to be sheep. They can choose to augment the low percentage of sheep-dogs by arming themselves in accordance with the laws of their State and choose to be ready and available to stop wolves when necessary. The people have the choice to be sheep, or to be wolves, or to be neither. But, its easier to be a sheep and to be protected than to be responsible for themselves.

Why do *I* Carry?

1. First and foremost for the purpose of defending myself, my family, my property against any illegal assault by another person or animal.

2. To defend the life or well-being of someone else.

3.As a Soldier, I've sworn to Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.

4. To promote awareness of "good" people with guns by making it less of a shock to see an average everyday person with one.

5. A right not exercised is a right that will be lost."

My wife has a T-shirt that says, "Fuck You, You Fucking Fuck" and she is more than welcome to (and has) worn it out in public. Are people shocked? Yes. Are they offended? Sometimes. Regardless of the feelings of others, she has a right to wear it because of the First Amendment. Can she be asked to leave private business because of it, or to cover it up? Yup, she can, and has. Does she have to support those businesses that choose to infringe on her rights to free speech? Nope. The same applies to a person who legally carries a visible firearm. Might they be harassed because they make the sheep nervous? Yep. Might they be asked to leave or cover up their gun? Yep. Do they have to patronize those businesses that make it a point to infringe on their rights? Nope.

Actually, MANY people carry firearms, but the vast majority carry concealed. Some states allow it, others don't. Many States have taken it upon themselves to make this "right" a privilege by requiring a concealed weapons permit for people who want to carry a firearm without disclosing its presence. Most States, however, support the right of the people to bear arms and only place restriction on the concealment of them. Most State Constitutions also contain some language that supports the right of the people to bear arms. Most States also do not have language in their State laws that apply to the carry of plainly visible weapons – and some even require that weapons BE visible. But they also know that most people WON'T carry openly, because it may be uncomfortable to others.
Do I think I'm going to be mugged soon? No. Do I think I will be at the right (or wrong) place and time to prevent a crime? Maybe, maybe not. But, along those lines, do I think I'll be in a car accident? No, but I wear a seatbelt. Do I think my house will be robbed while I'm away? No, but I have door locks. Do I think I'm going to die soon? No, but I have life insurance. Do I expect to pull someone's disabled vehicle out of the road today? No, but I carry a tow cable. Do I expect to jump someone's battery? No, but I have cables. Coincidentally, I used BOTH my tow strap AND jumper cables today - good thing I had them. Some things I do because there is the possibility that something MIGHT happen.

Carry concealed to protect yourself, your family and those around you. Carry open to protect yourself, your family, those around you, to make a statement that guns are not bad, that rights are worth exercising, and that liberty and security are paramount to making sheep comfortable and helping them forget about the wolves at the door.

Friday, July 11, 2008


I don't like religion, any of them really. I think most are crutches for the lazy-minded who latch on to whatever best fits their lifestyle and then permit themselves to stop thinking about what may or may not be beyond this life. The best teach not of gods and unicorns, but of how to live better yourself. The worst promote hate against other people based on beliefs – much like people used to promote hatred of other people based on skin color. Religions have been the cause of untold wars and more deaths than could be imagined. Torturing is common in religious wars. What's worse than a religion? It's followers. Especially those hypocrites who claim to believe in any particular religion and then either only follow the parts they like, or are only followers in their words – where their actions rarely reflect their "beliefs." Even Jesus (who very well have been a great teacher and moral advisor, but was not the son of any god – I have another view about Jesus, but that is for another day) taught about how the Christian god hated hypocrites and those who were only "warm" in their religious practices. Every religion has its hypocrites, and they are easy to spot.

Many churches and faiths in the United States claim that this is a Christian Nation because the majority of the people claim "Christianity" as their faith. Here's a newsflash – most of those people DON'T follow their "faith" and I suspect many also don't even believe in it – or even think about it for more than a few minutes on Sunday. Some people claim this nation was founded to be a Christian Nation – also wrong. Read the Jefferson Bible if you think Jefferson really was a Christian. Most Christians claim to be Christians because they were raised and told they were Christians. Most probably couldn't articulate what exactly makes a Christian a Christian – but they are sure they are one.

Even among the hard-core Bible believing, heaven or hell, Christians there are numerous things they can't agree on about the Bible. I guess the Bible wasn't made to be understandable by everyone – in fact, before the Gutenburg Printing Press, the commoners couldn't even READ the Bible, much less understand the intricacies in it. They relied on the Church to tell them what it said, and they pretty much had to believe whatever drivel the pastor put out.

I'll bet most people can't even name all the different sects of Christianity there are. Doesn't it strike anyone as odd that there can be so many different ways to read the Bible that even Christians aren't always sure what denomination they are? And don't even start in with the Catholics; purgatory? Buying your way into heaven? The Pope is always right? Even when he disagrees with other Popes? Does the Catholic god really change his mind that often? Please. Most rational people will understand that it makes no sense.

I think that most pastors are actually moderately intelligent people who have simply decided to turn off their thinking processes when it comes to religion. They may think hard and critically about politics, war, the newest best-seller, their finances, family, and all the other stuff in their lives – but when it comes to religion, the doors shut, the thinking turns off and anything that may threaten to contradict whatever irrational beliefs they have is not allowed to be processed. But, somewhere, deep in their psyche, where they never dwell for any longer than a few moments, the truth hides – they doubt, I think they all do. They doubt the Bible, they doubt god, they doubt faith, they doubt what they say is the truth. I think all pastors, preachers, Bishops, and religious leaders doubt the truth of their own sermons, and something I wonder if they hate themselves for doubting. Undoubtedly, few will admit their doubt.

But anyway, back to hypocrites. There are so many in the Christian faith that its impossible NOT to be a hypocrite. They can't follow all the rules, so most pick and choose the ones that are easiest to follow and call it good. That is a bad Christian. The ones that try to preach to others are the worst – especially the ones that just do it out of the blue because they feel a need to spread the word about how you have to believe the Bible and do what it says or you go to hell. I do believe that the Bible says something about pulling the plank out of your own eye before going after the sliver in someone else's. That means, clean up your own house before criticizing mine.

I also think its great how the hard-core Christians have made it so everyone either falls into their Flock (like good little sheep) or are Satanists. There is no middle ground. Even if you don't believe in their protagonist or their antagonist they rationalize it by saying that you have been fooled or tricked by their "bad guy." Soooo, by that reasoning, if all of you don't believe in my fairy-tale god, and my boogie man who lives under the stairs, you have already fallen into the devious boogie man plan and are doomed to an eternity of Ed, Edd, and Eddy cartoons. Mwhahahaha! … Now, isn't that stupid?

Let's move onto Mormons. I have no problem with Mormons as people, they are welcome to their beliefs that are just a bit sillier than the average Christian. Not only do they believe are the Christian hype, they also believe in Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. And they believe in magic tablets that only one guy in the whole world was allowed to read and understand. Given to him in private by an angel named Moroni. Just goes to show you, people are gullible and will believe whatever you want them too. Whoever started the Mormon religion was a damned genius. First, take all of the woman-hating pieces of the Bible (subservient property essentially) and then add in that you can have as many as you want to serve you! And, who cares how young they are, just have at it! Brigham Young? Or Bring'em Young? Coincidence? I don't think so. Shall we delve further into the Mormons? Sure, why not?

*There are families and marriage in Heaven. I'm pretty sure the Bible says the opposite.

*Jesus was a polygamist – wait, that probably IS true!

*Only 144,000 can be saved – then why do they keep trying to recruit more? Doesn't that lower their odds of getting in?

*Levels of heaven – isn't paradise paradise? How can there be different levels?

*No coffee, no drugs, no tobacco, no hot drinks – what exactly counts as a drug? Hot coco? Caffeine? Tylenol? And how many Mormons are super-hypocrites because of these?

*No black priests (up til 1978 – at which time god changed his mind about them), no women priests (yet, god could still change his mind about them too).

*Multiple worlds – wait, this one actually makes sense too. Anyone who really thinks that this is the only planet with life on it is crazy. Millions, billions of stars out there, and only ONE develops intelligent life? That's just stupid – even statistically.

*Special underwear – how special IS it???? Like Superman tights "special"? Or (as Carlos Mencia would say) Dee Dee Deee brown stain "special"? Apparently it protects the mormons against evil – like me.

*Polygamy – having lots of wives was great for the first Mormons, not so much anymore (at least not officially – god changed his mind again). Actually, polygamy is only officially not sanctioned because Utah wanted to become a state. So, apparently the benefits of belonging to the United States are more important than following the word of god. Nice, I'm sure that'll win points in heaven.

*Women can only be saved through a husband. Therefore, the women NEED to be married to be saved – AND, they are pregnant for eternity. That has to suck.

*The Mormon Jesus came about because Mary and god "got busy." Literally.

And on and on and on…

Damn, only through Christians and Mormons. I could go on with the other gazillion religions, and maybe someday I will, but for now, those two are perfect examples of how religion is lazy and thoughtless.

Religions cause wars – always have and always will. That's just a fact. Religious cause one man to kill another because they believe different things about what no one can really speak of with any certainty. Religions were started by the cavemen who wanted to know what ELSE was out there. The cavemen actually used their brains MORE than the modern religious person. At least they had to come up with their own ideas about what was out there, rather than having it forced into them by their parents.

Children are indoctrinated from an early age with what to believe and what not to believe. Many parents are very protective that their children not be exposed to any ideas that aren't part of THEIR beliefs. Why? Isn't the strength of their religion, its ability to convince young minds, enough on its own? Shouldn't it be clear that their religion is the true one? Why should my neighbors worry that I may tell their little girl that there is NO boogie man under the house waiting to burn them alive if they don't go to bed on time or eat their peas? If there really WAS such a monster, wouldn't *I* be worried about it too?

The good news is that reality doesn't care if you've been baptized in oil, water or dog doo. Reality doesn't care if you don't like it. Reality doesn't need you to believe that its true. Reality won't threaten you with eternal pain for not believing in it and it won't offer bribes of eternal bliss for believing. Reality doesn't care if you disown it, if you worship other gods, any gods, or no gods – it doesn't care. Reality exists and is unchanging, regardless of whether you accept it or not. And reality doesn't play favorites or exclude anyone. Reality is the same for men, women, children, babies, blacks, whites, greens, pinks, yellows, reds, oranges, and any other color. Reality is the same for not only people, but for dogs, cats, mice, gnats, and dragons. You don't have to believe in reality to get the same thing as everyone else does. Reality doesn't ask for money to raise a building. Reality won't tell you to kill those who disagree, hell, it won't even tell you to try and win converts. Reality is so far beyond the ego of man that it doesn't even notice when millions die in an earthquake. Reality won't even bat an eye when the people of this planet destroy themselves and become extinct.

Someday I'll go into what *I* believe, but not today, today is just a rant against religion and all the suffering it has caused and continues to cause every day. Let me be clear, I DON'T KNOW reality for certain. I just have theories.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

busy busy busy

Busy busy day!  Woke up somewhere around 10am!  A good, early start!  I proceeded to continue to write a paper for school (and finished it in the evening - although it turned out to be five pages instead of thee).

I took the kids outside and played kickball for 18 innings!  It was hot, very very hot.  For the record, Emily won, Amber came in second, then Illyana, then Carmen and poor David was dead last.    I think David lost so badly because he's used to playing kick-ball at school where no one can catch for crap.  Half of his times up, he kicked it up into the air where it was easy to catch.  Towards the end he figured out how not to suck, but it was too late.  After everyone was done, we came in.  I smelled bad.

Then, I put together my new Surco Safari rack for the Jeep!  Really, its for the kids because without it, they have less room.  Now we can throw all of our gear up on top and leave space inside for children.  It was super easy to put together - I hope it doesn't fall apart because it was TOO easy (and I just screwed it up).  I even put the mesh web on it!  The adapters for the Jeep should come tomorrow and I can put it on.  Yay!

I also put Sarahann's water bottle on her bike, replaced the pedal on David's bike, and chopped down a dead spider-filled tree!

Sarahann's ass-cake got rave reviews and now she has an order for another one this weekend!  She could go into business!  But, for now, we'll keep it on a word of mouth basis

Today she made a Jell-O cake because we want to get rid of the Jell-o.  Did you know that Jell-o is made from hooves?  Yeah, icky.  And also not good for you.  We'll use what we have and then look for a substitute.  But, the cake was awesome!

Tomorrow we're going Geocaching!  Going to break our record.  I think we need 18 (after checking, we need 17), but we're going for 20 or more.


So, the other day, we were all out shopping and happened by the book store.  In the bargain section there were some books about making cakes - cute, special cakes.  Now, Sarahann is a great cake maker (even did professional level cake for a wedding once) and she is very creative.  She looked at the cakes in the book and said, "I can do that."  And I had no doubt she could.  But, I like to have my cake - and eat it too!  So, I picked out a cute (risque?) cake and said she should make it.  It was a cake that looked like a nice round butt with some cute little panties on and a small little whip.  She took that as a challenge.  So, today she whipped one up.  I must say, I'm thoroughly impressed.  The cake looked fantastic (until we took a bite out of the poor girls ass).  Lucky, I took a pic or two for posterity.  Maybe next time, I'll have to pick a harder cake!

Pretty tasty - if I do say so myself.  You may all drool now - at both the cake, and the awesomeness of my wife.  Just be sure to wipe it off the keyboard before you type again.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Independence Day!

Today is the day that we celebrate the birth of a nation.  On this day, 236 years ago, the thirteen original colonies began the struggle for independence from Britain - from religious persecution and from monarchical tyranny.  Since that day, many patriots have fought, and many have died, to preserve the liberty provided for us by the Constitution.  Today is when we celebrate the sacrifice of patriots and we salute those who continue to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

While we eat BBQ and watch fireworks across the country, other Soldiers and service members are in harms way in Afghanistan, Iraq and over 120 other countries.  While we set off pretty bombs to burst in our air, some of them may actually have real bombs bursting in their air.  It is because of the service members that we enjoy the freedom we take for granted.  By some calculations, there is one active duty service member for every 180 citizens.  In essence, the responsibility to protect and defend the freedom and liberty of everyday living for 180 people in this country rests on the shoulders of ONE Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, or Coastie.  So, as you remember those who fight for you today, who drive down IED lined roads, who hear the whistle of the incoming mortar rounds and the heavy thudding explosion that follows, who are too familiar with the whip-crack a bullet makes as it zips by, make sure you do what you can to be in one of those service members "Top 180."
On a lighter note!  Today is also my anniversary!  I love that mine and my wife's anniversary is today because we also get the best turn out for our parties!  Everywhere we go, people shoot off fireworks for us!  Some places even hold parades in our honor - and we aren't even there!  It's always so nice to have our love appreciated and admired by so many!

Today, we decided to relax a bit.  The kids brought us breakfast in bed to start the day.  We stayed home, played in the yard, on the slip and slide, set up the net and played some volleyball, horseshoes, catch, and whatever other cool games were in the bag!

Tonight we went to a fireworks show at the mall.  There were every some parachutists who jumped out of a perfectly good airplane and landed nearby.  From what I hear, it was better than most at the mall - and it WAS very good.  But, as a comparison, it was only about half as long as the shows at Fort Carson.  But, thats not really a FAIR comparison because Fort Carson is an active duty military installation and the fireworks shows there are bound to be the best.

I will say that Missoula (and Montana) is less restrictive in regards to fireworks because even as I write this at 12:33 am (on the 5th of July now), the house is still reverberating with the random fireworks displays put on by whoever has fireworks left.  My wife compares it to Beruit.  In Colorado, after the official fireworks were over, there were very few extras (because you aren't supposed to have fireworks there). 

For the record, my favorite fireworks are the simple big flashes of light followed by the heart thumping BOOM.


Friday, July 04, 2008

Third of July - Catching Up!

It's been a few days since my last post, so let me catch up a bit.

Last week, we went to Washington to attend a wedding of a close family friend.  The wedding was on their property with available supplies because they are a bit tight in the money department.  When we got to the house, we knew it would be a challenge to get everything done in time (we arrived on Monday and the wedding was Wednesday).  We got right to work and had a lot of help in getting in the area ship-shape for a perfect backwoods wedding.  First we pulled some broke down project vehicles out of a cute little field that would be perfect for the ceremony.  We pulled a VW bus, a 80's Firebird, and a Suburban out of the way so we could weed-whack a clearing in the grass.

Then we cleared a pathway and a reception area.  Sarahann made the wedding cake (and it was amazing) and the bride's bouquet - also stunning.  The amazing part about the cake and bouquet is that the only guidance she had to go on for designing the cake and bouquet was the color "purple."

In order to get an early on our days and get the most done, we slept in the Jeep on the property and camped out.  It was fun and relatively comfortable with the inflatable mattress in the back.  We cooked over a propane stove and a campfire.

Once the clean-up was complete, we decorated the reception area and were ready to go.  On the wedding day, there was a nice baby shower before the ceremony itself.  We also took the pictures of the wedding for the happy couple.

The day after the wedding, we had to head home.

Our two extra kids, David and Illyana, came for their summer visit last weekend, and we've been busy since!  First, we built a massive (75 foot) slip n slide in the front yard out of clear plastic sheeting (and just to make it an official slipnslide, we put on of the colored slides at the end!), then we went to the local water-slide with some family friends for some fun in the sun and water.  The temps over the last few days have been hovering near 100.  We also went to Barnes and Nobel and had the kids pick out some books for reading time. 

We've played board games - Risk (Sarahann was the ultimate victor), Stratego, Monopoly and Life - and some video games too.  I'm sure I've killed each of the kids at least 30 times in the last couple days - and they deserved every little bit of it!

We watched the movie 10,000BC.  It was ok.  It was like a caveman version of Last of the Mohicans - sort of.

Today we went to the mall and did some sale shopping!  Not so much fun for the kids, but good for the adults!  Amber and Emily got some shirts, Lana picked out a necklace, and everyone got some other clothes.

This week I kept up on my schoolwork, but not my physical training - Sarahann has done much better, doing her running and eliptical work every day this week.  She's been drinking a bunch of water and is doing and looking great! She's making great meals that are healthy as well as tasty!  I need to start doing my part to get back in shape.  I did run for 10 minutes and did 10 pull ups... woo.

I'm still reading "Children of Men" which is written like a classic.  Great word usage and plot development.  Its about 1/3 as long as Ruins and is already ten times better.  I did get the Ruins on DVD so we can watch it - I think it may be one of the few movies that are better than the book.

Also saw a video today from a law professor about not talking to the cops.  Here's the synopsis - don't.  You don't have to and shouldn't, regardless of whether you think you are innocent or not.  Just don't.  It can't help and it could hurt.  I like cops, my dad was a cop, so I have no negative bias, but even though most cops are good and honest, its not up to them as to what gets said at trial - its the lawyers, and we know how most of them are.

Lose-lose for the American People

This election is a lose-lose for the American people. Obama is a great orator and is very personable, but his beliefs on many issues conflict too deeply with my beliefs to get my vote with a clear conscience. Here's a few and why I think they matter:

1. Supports Roe V. Wade - its not that I'm against a woman's right to choose, I'm just against the woman's right to kill another person for selfish reasons. A woman's right to choose comes before conception - after that, its out of her hands.
2. Supports Embryonic Stem Cells - Embryonic Stem cells come from unborn children. There are now many other ways to get useful stem cells (cord blood for starters) that we needn't be killing babies (no matter how young or small).
3. Opposes ANWR Drilling - at $4/ gallon, we need to start using our own resources and reduce dependence on foreign oil. Yes, we need alternative energy, but until that new and improved source of fuel is found, why not use our own oil that we are trying so hard to make worthless?
4. Supports Assault Weapon Ban - the 2nd Amendment was designed to provide the people, the citizens, a guarantee of means to resist an oppressive political government military takeover. The only way to do that is to have comparable firepower. The assault weapons ban would only be the first ban - bans on other weapons would soon follow.
5. Supports the Patriot Act - the Patriot Act is the greatest affront to civil liberties in the US since the internment camps in WWII.
6. Opposes same-sex marriage - shouldn't they have they same rights as everyone else?
7. Supports universal health care - we don't need to be going down the socialist path.

Ok, in all fairness, here's where I don't like McCain:
1. Supports Embryonic Stem Cell research - same as above.
2. Opposes ANWR drilling.
3. Supports the Patriot Act - which should automatically disqualify anyone from holding any government position because its completely anti-liberty.
4. Doesn't support net neutrality - I guess freedom is only something we should dream about, not actually have.
5. Is more anti-gay than Obama.

So, who WILL I vote for?? Ron Paul - I'll write him in. Some will say its a wasted vote, but I think its more of a waste to support someone I don't believe in than to at least have my one vote be honest, if fruitless. Maybe next election, someone will realize that the little guy has a chance if the people speak with their votes.
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